gingham style.

Okay first off let me just say that jetlag is NO JOKE. Yesterday was literally the longest Wednesday ever – we left Tokyo at 12 PM and landed back in San Francisco at 11 AM. WHAT. I was essentially stuck in a Wednesday time warp for 12 hours (with only 3 hours of in-flight sleep) and as someone who really needs her sleep, I feel all kinds of messed up.

Anyway, Japan was incredible, much more on that to come but I wanted to dust off the blog after taking a week off to show you a dress I recently grabbed from ASOS that has become an instant favorite:

Easy Gingham Dress Outfit for End of Summer Easy Gingham Dress Outfit for End of Summer

* Photos by Tory Putnam

I feel like the weeks after Labor Day are kind of an awkward time for my closet – my mind automatically shifts to fall right after Labor Day weekend and yet the weather never seems to cooperate (we came home to a heat wave in SF and it’s been ROUGH considering very few places have air conditioning because the weather is usually so mild. Jetlag + a very hot apartment = a very cranky Cait). I’ve been loving this gingham dress I grabbed from ASOS because it’s just one of those ultra easy pieces – the bold pattern stands on its own without a ton of accessories yet the comfortable cotton fabric, flattering cut + pockets make it a great choice for the not quite summer, not quite fall time period we’re in.

Easy Gingham Dress Outfit for End of Summer Easy Gingham Dress Outfit for End of Summer

Dress: ASOS // Shoes: ASOS // Bag: J. Crew Factory // Sunglasses: Warby Parker
// Lipstick: NARS Red Lizard // Bracelet: Gorjana //

Anyone catch my terrible “Gangnam Style” pun in the title there? We had a brief layover in South Korea yesterday so I couldn’t resist ;)